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North Central Prairie Chaplain Conference

Women of the Gospels: Healed Healers and Midwives of New Life

September 19 (1pm CT) - September 20 (2:30pm CT)

Participation Options

  1. In-person at Episcopal House of Prayer, 14215 Fruit Farm Road, Collegeville, MN
  2. Online participation through ZOOM


There are many stories of women who are the object of healing by Jesus in the Gospels. Less attention has been paid to women who are agents of healing and midwives of new life, both physically and metaphorically. In these sessions, we will explore how biblical women encourage chaplains today to be vessels of audacious hope for those who suffer and for their loved ones. Accompanying us will be Simon’s mother-in-law, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of Jesus, Mary of Bethany and other anointing women, Jairus’s daughter, a widow who lost her only son, a woman who had been bent double for thirteen years, and a Canaanite woman whose daughter was ill.

Speaker Information

Sr. Barbara E. Reid, O.P. is a Dominican Sister of Grand Rapids and holds a Ph.D. in Biblical Studies from The Catholic University of America. She is President of Catholic Theological Union and Carroll Stuhlmueller, CP Distinguished Professor of New Testament Studies, where she has taught since 1988. She has led many study tours and retreats in the Holy Lands. She is author of more than a dozen books and numerous articles. She is General Editor of Wisdom Commentary series (Liturgical Press) and one of the General Editors for the new Jerome Biblical Commentary for the Twenty-first Century (Bloomsbury Press, 2022).

8.00 Continuing Education Hours have been granted by the National Association of Catholic Chaplains.

NACC Certification Competencies Covered by the Conference: ITP2, PIC1, PIC2, PIC3, PPS5