Home / Certification / David Lichter CPE Scholarship Fund / Application for CPE Scholarship

Application for CPE Scholarship

Before applying for a CPE Scholarship, please review the below information.


  1. The recipient must be Catholic and a Student member in good standing with the National Association of Catholic Chaplains.
  2. The recipient must be registered in a CPE Unit from an accredited CPE program that meets the requirements of NACC’s initial certification process.
  3. A scholarship will be awarded for CPE Unit tuition only (scholarships not available to those who are in a paid CPE residency).
  4. A scholarship can only be awarded if the student successfully completes the CPE Unit.
  5. Application for scholarships must be received prior to completion of the CPE Unit.
  6. Preference for the award of scholarships will be given to those who have not received a scholarship from NACC previously.
  7. All scholarship applications will be assessed by the NACC.


The value of the scholarships awarded will vary, but typically range between $250 to $1,000.

The scholarship will be awarded directly to the recipient upon receipt of the following:

  • Proof of tuition payment for CPE Unit (receipt).
  • Proof of successful completion of CPE Unit.

Application Deadlines

Applications for scholarships are considered three times per year:

  • February 1 deadline with decision communicated by March  31
  • June 1 deadline with decision communicated by July 31
  • October 1 deadline with decision communicated by November 30

Interested students should apply utilizing the application form below.


Contact Information

Best phone number to reach you
Enter your 6-digit NACC Membership number. If you don't know it, check your membership card, email [email protected], or call 414-483-4898.


Have you applied for a CPE Scholarship previously?(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Enter the date (or approximate date) that you applied for a CPE Scholarship previously.
Have you been awarded a CPE Scholarship previously?(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Enter the date (or approximate date) that you were awarded a CPE Scholarship previously.


Ministry Background

Are you currently employed?(Required)
Address of Employer


Education Background


Prior CPE Information

Please enter a number from 1 to 10.
Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 1,000 MB.
Upload your resume here in PDF format. To print your document to PDF format see the instructions on this page.


CPE Scholarship Information

Name of CPE Educator(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Will you receive any other reimbursement/assistance?(Required)


MM slash DD slash YYYY
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.