Incarceration & Developmental Disabilities (CPMC Webinar)

People with developmental disabilities are incarcerated at a higher rate than people without developmental disabilities. In this three part series, Dr. Lawrence Sutton gives a high level overview of how…

Spiritual Care for the 21st Century: An International Conference on the Theory and Practice of Telechaplaincy.

This conference will bring together over 20 healthcare chaplains, spiritual care providers, and managers at leading healthcare institutions to share their experience with telechaplaincy. It will give an overview on current developments, provide an opportunity to acquire and improve practical telechaplaincy competencies, and exchange and network with telechaplains in Europe and North America.

“Holding Still” Update (CPMC Town Hall)

Join us for a fresh look at Holding Still: Centering Prayer & the Spiritual Journey, a documentary produced by Prison Contemplative Fellowship (PCF) and premiered in partnership with CPMC. Lawrence…

Renewal of Certification with the NACC

This webinar will provide participants with an overview of the renewal of certification process and documentation. The webinar will also provide a forum for answering questions about the NACC renewal of certification. This free webinar will be presented by members of the NACC Certification Commission. The webinar is offered live or as a recording.

Racism (CPMC Webinar)

Join CPMC for a presentation by Dr. Patrick Saint-Jean, SJ about racism, including a discussion of his book The Crucible of Racism: Ignatian Spirituality and the Power of Hope. Upon…

Healing After Abortion (CPMC Town Hall)

The causes and effects of abortion are steeped in various forms of trauma. As ministers of the Gospel it is incumbent upon us to adopt a posture of humility and…

Laudato Si’ and Chaplaincy: How are We Connected to the Ecological Crisis? (NACC Webinar 2022 Series)

As the ecological crisis is increasingly impacting both the mental and physical health and well-being of the communities and individuals we serve, we are called to take a step back to look at the overall picture and discern what role we can play in responding. Join us to learn about how the ecological crisis will increasingly affect the communities we work with, and how our Catholic faith, through the encyclical Laudato Si and the teachings of Christ, calls us to act and be beacons of hope.

A Creative Way to Address Grief (CPMC Webinar)

Sr. Annie Killian, OP, will discuss her approach to prison ministry as a way of peace-making. She offers returning citizens and people who are incarcerated a ministry of accompaniment and…