Deacon Chaplain Networking Call 6/26
Please plan to participate in the NACC Deacon Chaplain call to discuss supporting one another in our ministry: Wednesday, June 26, 2024 2pm ET, 1pm CT, 12pm MT, 11am PT…
NACC Palliative Hospice Networking 6/13
We are fortunate to have one another to support us as we minister to those in the Palliative Care and Hospice Settings. Our call will be: Thursday, June 13, 2024…
Palliative Hospice Networking 7/11
We are fortunate to have one another to support us as we minister to those in the Palliative Care and Hospice Settings. Our call will be: Thursday, July 11, 2024…
Directors of Spiritual Care Networking Call 7/12
We are fortunate to have one another to support us as we work to direct and support our Departments of Spiritual Care. Our call will be: Friday, July 12, 2024…
NACC Palliative Hospice Networking 8/8
We are fortunate to have one another to support us as we minister to those in the Palliative Care and Hospice Settings. Our call will be: Thursday, August 8, 2024…
CPE-Community of Practice Networking Call 8/12/24
Please join us for the NACC/CPE-Educator Community of Practice Call. Our call will be: Monday, August 12, 2024 2:00pm ET, 1:00pm CT, 12:00pm MT, 11:00am PT Please register to participate…
NACC NACC African American Networking 8/27
Virtual EventWe are fortunate to have one another to support us as we minister to those in the Palliative Care and Hospice Settings. Our call will be: Tuesday, August 27, 2024…
NACC Palliative Hospice Networking 9/12
Virtual EventWe are fortunate to have one another to support us as we minister to those in the Palliative Care and Hospice settings. Our call will be: Thursday, September 12, 2024…
Directors of Spiritual Care Networking Call 9/13
Virtual EventWe are fortunate to have one another to support us as we work to direct and support our Departments of Spiritual Care. Our call will be: Friday, September 13, 2024…
Networking Call: Purposeful Retirement 09/16
Virtual EventPlease join us for the NACC Purposeful Retirement Networking Call. Our call will be: Monday, September 16, 2024 3pm ET, 2pm CT, 1pm MT (incl. AZ), 12pm PT, 9am HI…
NACC Deacon Chaplain Networking Call 9/18
Virtual EventPlease plan to participate in the NACC Deacon Chaplain call to discuss supporting one another in our ministry: Wednesday, September 18, 2024 2pm ET, 1pm CT, 12pm MT, 11am PT…
NACC Nurse Chaplain Networking 9/26
Virtual EventPlease join your colleagues for our quarterly Nurse Chaplain Networking Call. Thursday, September 26, 2024 4pm ET, 3pm CT, 2pm MT, 1pm PT Please register to participate in this session…