Chaplain's Prayer at the End of the Workday
[Begin by recalling moments of grace this day – seeing Christ in others.]
JESUS - glory, praise and thanks to you for all the graces You bestowed this day! I lift up again all those I prayed for this morning, and all those I encountered today. With trust in You, may they open their hearts to Your grace, and the healing in body, mind, and soul You will for them. May they be aware and confident of Your amazing love, holding them in each moment, as they journey on the paths You set for them. May they know Your comfort - Your strength - Your peace. Help them draw nearer to You, that You may be ever clearer and dearer. Please forgive all my failings, and all the ways I did not serve You this day as You would have me do. Help me see my faults, give me the wisdom to learn from Your lessons, and the grace to become more like You. AMEN