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World Day of the Sick, Prayer Service Sample

This special day, February 11, was established by Pope John Paul II in 1992.

Although this day was established in the Catholic tradition to coincide with the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, it is a fitting time for all of us in healthcare ministry to reflect on those we serve and on our own role in that service.




Opening Prayer:

God of compassion,

Be with us as we gather here today.

Open our hearts to the physical, emotional and spiritual pain of those who are ill.

Make us aware of the concerns of their primary caregivers,

And help us acknowledge our own needs as healthcare providers.

Let us all feel surrounded by your love and care.

God of all, hear our prayer.



Readings: (optional)

Isaiah 35:1-10

Matthew 5:1-10

Matthew 15:29-31

Mark 16:15-20


Reflection: (optional)


Prayers of the Faithful: (invite members of the community to offer personal prayers of the faithful and/or invite them to write a prayer on a piece of paper and place it in a basket)


O God, Everlasting Love, enfleshed in Christ Jesus, poured upon us through the Holy Spirit, we come to You (today, this evening, this morning…) to receive our prayer for those among us who are ill… Lord, hear our prayer.

Tender, compassionate God, fill us that we may receive all who are ill with your love, we pray… Lord, hear our prayer.

Life-giving God, fill us, that our faith will assure those who are suffering, that their pain will blossom into life, we pray… Lord, hear our prayer.

Strength-giving God, pour into all who care for the sick, the embracing, enduring love of Jesus, we pray… Lord, hear our prayer.

Source of Love, fill us with vision and courage to pursue research that will bear fruit in healing, we pray… Lord, hear our prayer.

Welcoming God, receive from our hands the loved ones we return to you, we pray… Lord, hear our prayer.

Righteous God, empower us to advocate for the people we accompany; patients, healthcare workers, caregivers, etc. we pray… Lord, hear our prayer.

O God, hear our prayer—these we have spoken and those yet in our hearts. We trust in your loving response, through Christ the Risen One. Amen.


God of hope and healing,


Be with those whose bodies

burn with fever,

rage with pain,

struggle for breath,

cry out for limbs that used to be,

or crave addictive substances.


Be with those whose minds and emotions

face the wait of a diagnosis,

wrestle with the choices for treatment,

adapt to a life altered by chronic illness,

recover from abuse,

or push against the encroaching clouds of dementia.


Be with those whose spirits

are exhausted by the quest for health

doubt the existence of love

question the fairness of life

or stare into the face death


Cool the fever,

bring balm to the pain,

ease the fight for air,

adapt the body for new ways to move,

and calm the cravings.

Ease anxiety and fear.

Build trust in your everlasting love and care.

God of all, hear our prayer.



Prayer for the Caregiver: (use prayer from current year)


Prayer for the Sick: (use prayer from current year)


Closing Prayer:


May the God of the well and the sick,

The caregiver and the cared for,

The comforter and the comforted,

Be with us as we leave this place.



Provide Music: (optional)


Adapted from Service by Chaplain Linda DeHahn and other NACC members


World Day of the Sick