Blessing of the Hands (2)

Leader: When we reach our hands out to provide care, to do our work as part of the care of others, we are saying to others, You are important to us, and you are cared for by the efforts of many who value you and your needs.

Holding your hands in front of you observe their appearance and think of all that you do with your hands each day which contributes to the care of the health care needs of our Mercy community.

You have chosen to bless others with your hands in the work you do.
Now we are going to bless your hands in recognition of the Holiness of what you do everyday.

Leader: “Oh Holy God, Bless these hands that they may continue to be a Blessing to Others.” Amen

Now before you return to work, let’s say the following prayer.

ALL: Holy God, may your presence be in all that I do. Renew in me awareness of your sustaining love that touches me each day, opening the eyes of my heart to see that you touch the world through the work of my hands. Amen.
